Bill Callahan: Gold Record - Hilfe

Bill Callahan - Gold Record

Cover von Gold Record
Bill Callahan
Gold Record

Label Drag City
Erstveröffentlichung 25.09.2020
Format LP
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 26,95 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

20er. War ja zu erwarten: Ein weiteres Top-Album. Seine Stimme von überragender Präsenz, weit überwiegend balladesk gehalten (allerdings nicht gerade in konventioneller Form), von hoher Faszinationskraft, genauso unverwechselbar wie früher, sagen wir, z.B. ein Leonard Cohen es war (ohne Vergleiche ziehen zu wollen). Vielfach erstrahlen die Songs in totaler Ruhe und dennoch Eindringlichkeit, aber die Begleitung ist teilweise erstaunlich, entwickelt phasenweise ein Eigenleben: Geradezu gestreichelt z.T., kurz sich erhebend, punktierend (z.B. eine Trompete, Bassklarinette?, extrem aparte Synthie-Farben sporadisch), wieder verschwindend, einzelne überraschende Töne (auf leise Art), partiell irgendwie abseits vom übrigen musikalischen Geschehen (aber sehr attraktiv!). Passenderweise kommt 2x gar ein zeitweise beinahe torkelnder Rhythmus hinzu. Nicht überall freilich trifft all dies zu (zudem ist der Effekt unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt), die andere Hälfte der Stücke wird weit ?kohärenter? instrumentiert (man könnte auch sagen, konventioneller), hier bleibt es v.a. bei akustischen und partiell elektrischen Gitarren (Drums sind über weite Strecken äußerst sparsam gehalten oder fehlen gleich ganz). Das Ergebnis ist Songwriter-Musik ausgesprochen individueller Art, die stilistische Orientierung ist dabei eigentlich völlig egal (lose rootsig, Spuren, oft aber kaum mehr, von Folk, Blues, Country, Jazz blitzen auf; okay, in einem erweiterten Sinn: Folk Music.). Klare Empfehlung. (dvd)

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit

Drag City, Inc.
Bon Marche Centre, Unit 409
SW9 8BJ London
Vereinigtes Königreich

375 Media GmbH
Schlachthofstr. 36
21079 Hamburg


For his first record in....uh, well, just a little over a year (!), Bill Callahan's given us his first Gold Record. They can't all be gold, and they're not all six years apart either - all good! You could probably call the album "Gold Records," too: all the songs have a stand-alone feel, like singles, meant for you to have a deep encounter with all of a sudden, from the start of the song to the finish. And what do you got when you have a record full of singles - and let's face it, hit singles, at that? That's a Gold Record for you. From the top, it's clear this is music with an affection for people, as Bill immediately slips easily and deeply into his characters. Among them: a limo driver, a watcher of television, a suitor, a man in a broken-down car, a reader of books, a Ry Cooder superfan, and in the closing number, a wanderer who "notices when people notice things". The voices of the people, with their ups and downs, their loss and laughter. You can feel the love. For Bill, preparing to tour for Shepherd In a Sheepskin Vest meant considering being away from home for long stretches of time - maybe up to a year, who knew? Feeling his oats, Bill pulled out a few sketches from over the years and touched them up. Before he knew it, he was recording them, and in the shuffle, newer songs started popping up. It happened fast. Basics were recorded live with Matt Kinsey playing guitars, guitars, guitars and Jaime Zurverza holding it down "and then letting it go" on bass. Drums and horns were brought in for a couple songs. Spirits were high! Six out of the ten were done first take; overdubs, when needed, came equally quickly. Listening, one hears their intuitive cohesion coming together richly behind Bill's titanic voice spread across the stereo spectrum: the gentle conversation of Bill and Matt's guitars, the subtle percussion of the bass and drums, and odd appearances of trumpet, woodwind and synth, striking notes both decorous and discordant, sounding for all the world like the naturally occurring sound meant to accompany and express lives lived everywhere. These are in fact songs meant for other people to sing - but until they do, Bill's got this. He's got a secret on this one, and before we go, we don't mind sharing it with you: he's figured out how to perfectly place his voice in proximity to your ear. It's based on the distance from your heart to your brain. Simple! Why don't more people think like this?

1. Pigeons<
>2. Another Song<
>3. 35<
>4. Protest Song<
>5. The Mackenzies<
>6. Let's Move To The Country<
>8. Cowboy<
>9. Ry Cooder<
>10. As I Wander
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