Savoy Grand: Burn The Furniture - Hilfe

Savoy Grand - Burn The Furniture

Cover von Burn The Furniture
Savoy Grand
Burn The Furniture

Label Glitterhouse Records
Erstveröffentlichung 01.12.2001
Format CD
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 6,75 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Es ist immer schön, wenn vor der Veröffentlichung schon Reviews der Platte vorhanden sind, dann überlasse ich die Lobeshymnen gerne anderen. Im Falle dieses Albums könnten wir das halbe Heft füllen, zwei stehen stellvertretend:
"Savoy Grand ist zweifelsohne eine der Bands, bei der man automatisch ins Schwärmen gerät. Das letztjährige Debüt `Dirty Pillows´ fand gleich seinen Platz im Verweissystem der persönlichen Lieblings- und Insel-Platten. Wundervolle Bands wie Talk Talk, Slint, Soft Machine und Movietone fielen einem ein. Nur eine Spur weniger Jazz und eine Spur mehr Leidensdruck, das war (und ist) Savoy Grand. Wenn eine Platte des letzten Jahres das Herz wärmte, dann war es `Dirty Pillows´!
Der Nachfolger `Burn the Furniture´ ist noch wärmer, der Sound noch feiner. ... Eine Platte, für die man keine spezielle Stimmung braucht, vielmehr eine, die eine erzeugt: und -jawohl!- es ist die süße Melancholie. Eine Wohlfühlplatte also, eine Phänomenologie der Dämmerung und Dunkelheit, ein treuer Freund, der kein Blatt vor den Mund nimmt, eine dionysische Durchhänger-Dichtung, ein Meisterwerk, das man für seine Schwermut wohl nur lieben oder hassen kann." (Rolling Stone. 4 Sterne)
" majestätisch und melancholisch, so poetisch und packend, so luftig und lakonisch ist es, was die herren Langley, Mayne, O´Riordan und Sutton 57 Minuten lang zelebrieren: die Langsamkeit nämlich. Und die Stille. Eine Stille, in der für Momente Lärmblsen platzen - ehe man sich´s versieht - wieder Ruhe einkehrt. Dabei erklingt kein Ton zuviel in Moonlit, Why Did You Dissappear, The Mirror Song und all den anderen schwermütigen Charaden zwischen Erik Satie und Talk Talk, Claude Debussy und Dakota Suite. Wie Savoy Grand mit minimalen Mitteln maximale Wirkung erzielen, ist frappierend. Schließen Sie die Augen, hören Sie zu, und Sie werden glauben, ein Engel ginge durch den Raum." (Musikexpress. 5 Sterne)

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit

Glitterhouse Records GmbH
Schlachthofstr. 36a
21079 Hamburg


A bit like their music, things in the world of Savoy Grand move slowly, but very surely.

Formed in 1997, around singer-songwriter Graham Langley, it was 1999 that they were named by the NME (alongside other obscure acts such as Coldplay) as one of the best new bands to watch in the future. Later that year they released the debut 7” single “The Moving Air” on Leicester’s Pickled Egg label. This record received great press and narrowly missed being NME’s single of the week, as the weather at the time was “too sunny”. They followed this a year later with the five track mini-album “Dirty Pillows”, which was released by Narwhal Records in the UK, and (combined with the 7” tracks) in Europe by Glitterhouse Records, in early 2001.

Now we come to the end of 2001, and what is effectively their debut album: “Burn The Furniture”- A nine track epic, recorded over several weekends in 2001 (they all have day jobs, and having previously been based in Nottingham, they are now scattered around London and the Midlands).

Where earlier recordings captured the live frailty of the band, this release is more focussed and distilled - Using dramatic dynamics, string quartets, and subtle electronics to open up the dark lyrical world inside the songs.

These songs concentrate on the small things that can change your life, or someone elses… Regrets, Frustrations, and Hopes. The things people don’t say, and why they don’t say them… The final track “Face Down In a Fountain” sums these themes up: “the things you don’t notice… are the things closest… you’re just a passer by”.

Track by Track:

A trained dog: The first of many songs about the modern human desire to try and squeeze the joy out of everything.

Moonlit: - a song about accepting who you are. Maybe about growing older and not having to worry about the pointless things in life, but concentrating on the good stuff like sex and death. All impossible of course.

Glen A Larson:- a sinister tale of a childhood slowly but surely twisted out of shape. About mistakenly thinking its better to keep your mouth shut. ** Journalist’s note: Glen A. Larson was producer for all those brilliant/shit 80’s action shows A-team, Battlestar Galactica, Knight Rider, Quincey… he wrote the theme music for a lot of them too.**

Why Did You Disappear? - a pop song about getting lost on purpose..

Survivor: - (released on the EP, Nov 2001). A story inspired by mistaken rumours of an old friend’s death. So it’s about falling out of touch, with everything.

Business Is Good: - why be in a band? Inspired by a strange cobbler in Nottingham. He probably wasn’t the strange one of course.

Match Farm: - About building something precious and then having the overwhelming urge to kick it over.

Mirror Song: - probably the most gothic thing the band have done. Or ever will. Sam Hempton (ex Six by Seven, currently playing with Matthew Jay) provides additional guitar on this track.

Face Down in a fountain: Sums up what the whole album could be about. Important things in life are being overlooked. This is a warning. Be careful or we will drown in an unstoppable tide of celebrity gossip and selfish bullshit anger. Sadly, This is our way of dealing with it.

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