Pere Ubu: Pennsylvania - Hilfe

Pere Ubu - Pennsylvania

Cover von Pennsylvania
Pere Ubu

Label Fire Records
Erstveröffentlichung 10.09.2021
Format CD
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 12,00 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

From the turn of the millennium, 'Pennsylvania' was the eleventh studio album from this uncompromising and influential group, presenting their dark take on pop music. This edition is newly remixed by David Thomas in 2021 and reissued on Fire Records. "Everyone talked about our artiness and our unlikeableness, people completely ignored for decades me saying, 'We're a pop band'." David Thomas. With 'Pennsylvania,' Pere Ubu welcome you to a barely recognisable secret country drawn out of its own spectral geography... This is much more than just music. "[Pere Ubu] were still creating great works of abstract art, pushing the limits of rock 'n' roll to twist into avant-garde explorations of the darkest recesses of the human mind" Classic Rock // "From the beginning they obviously understood the nuts and bolts of popular music, and then loosened them." Mojo

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Manufacturer information
Fire Records
4 Tyssen Street,
Dalston, London E8 2FJ

375 Media GmbH
Schlachthofstr. 36a
21079 Hamburg

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