Muddy Gurdy: Muddy Gurdy (Mississippi Sessions) - Hilfe

Muddy Gurdy - Muddy Gurdy (Mississippi Sessions)

Cover von Muddy Gurdy (Mississippi Sessions)
Muddy Gurdy
Muddy Gurdy (Mississippi Sessions)

Label Vizztone
Erstveröffentlichung 23.03.2018
Format CD
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 10,95 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Mississippi Hill Blues aus einer völlig neuen Perspektive. Ein warm und leicht klingendes Album, das die merkwürdige, interessante Verbindung von Blues mit europäischem/französichen Folk, karibisch-kreolischen Elementen durch de leichtfüssige Percussion und das trancehaftige eines mittelalterlichen Hurdy-Gurdy, einer französischen Dreleiher, äußerst interessant verbindet. Songs von R.L. Burnside, Muddy Waters, Junior Kimbrough, Jessie Mae Hemphill u.a. , aufgenommen in Mississippi, mit Unterstützung von Cedric Burnside.

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit

Bertus Musikvertrieb GmbH
Hans-Henny_Jahnn-Weg 15
22085 Hamburg


A blues singer-guitarist, a percussionist specializing in Latin rhythms, a hurdy-gurdy player expert in traditional music from central France. At first sight, these three should never have met. And they met, necessarily at the crossroads of different roads, and more precisely on the crossroad of the blues. In the spring of 2017, Tia Gouttebel (vocals and guitar), Marco Glomeau (percussion) and Gilles Chabenat (hurdy-gurdy) set off to record in northern Mississippi, known as « hill country », where kudzu and a form of hypnotic blues once sung by Fred McDowell, Jessie Mae Hemphill, Junior Kimbrough and RL Burnside proliferate. It is an initiatory journey as much as it is ethical.

Ethical, because they don’t go there for tourist clichés. Rather for an exchange of cultures, a real encounter, inviting locals to share their music, recording on the field with a mobile studio. The musicians from Mississippi had never seen or heard a hurdy-gurdy before. But among people of the earth, because the earth is round, we recognize each other, we understand each other.

Initiatory, because this trip signs Muddy Gurdy’s birth certificate. The album is imbued with the magic of the Mississippi. It is a favorite, a critical and commercial success

1. Tia In The Rocking Chair (Intro)<
>2. Goin' Down South (feat. Cedric Burnside)<
>3. That Girl Is Bad (feat. Cedric Burnside)<
>4. See My Jumper Hanging On The Line (feat. Cedric Burnside)<
>5. Rollin' And Tumblin' (feat. Cedric Burnside)<
>6. Station Blues<
>7. Shawty Blues<
>8. Glory Glory Hallelujah<
>9. Leave Her Alone (feat. Cameron Kimbrough)<
>10. Gonna Love You<
>11. Dream<
>12. She Wolf<
>13. Shake 'Em On Down<
>14. Help The Poor<
>15. Highway 61
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