Frank & His Sisters: Frank And His Sisters - Hilfe

Frank & His Sisters - Frank And His Sisters

Cover von Frank And His Sisters
Frank & His Sisters
Frank And His Sisters

Label Mississippi Records
Erstveröffentlichung 17.01.2020
Format LP
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 18,00 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Weltweit ist dies die erste Zusammenstellung großartiger Folk-/Popsongs von Frank and His Sisters, einer Familyband aus Moshi, Tansania.
Gegründet in den frühen 1950er Jahren von Frank Humplick, Thecla Clara und Maria Regina, machte das Trio Aufnahmen und Tourneen in ganz Ostafrika und veröffentlichte eine Reihe von instant-classics,, die mit ihrem wunderbar harmonischen Gesang, den cleveren Texten und Franks umwerfender Gitarrenarbeit begeisterten. Man stelle sich die Fingerstyle-Finesse von John Fahey mit einer reinen Pop-Melodik vor, kombiniert mit Harmonyvocals zwischen The Carter Family, The Roches und The Beach Boys. Das Album ist eine Überraschung aus dem goldenen Zeitalter tansanischer Musik, von dem wir gar nicht wußten dass es dies gab!

Das Album kommt mit 8-seitigem Booklet, mit lyrics in Englisch, Suaheli und Chaga, Photos, Interviews und Biographie.


Frank composed many of his songs while working the land on his beloved tractor (really), and once instigated a house-to-house search to destroy all copies of his record “Yes/No” due to its politically subversive lyrics. He went on to record and tour with the Jambo Boys band before retiring from the music industry in the early 1960s, to focus on his passion for agriculture. But his favorite songs were always the ones he created with his sisters, and we are proud to present 12 of their best.

Previously only heard on extremely rare 78 rpm discs and Tanzanian oldies radio, this album collects the trio’s finest songs, lovingly restored and remastered. We love this music so much that in late 2018 we traveled to Tanzania to meet Frank’s family and collaborate on this album. The result is a colorful 8-page booklet featuring complete lyrics in English, Swahili and Chaga, as well as previously unpublished photographs, extensive interviews and anecdotes, and a biography by Tanzanian musician and radio host John Kitime. All tracks fully licensed from the Humplick family. - Mississippi Records