Ondara: Folk 'n' Roll Vol. 1: Tales Of Isolation - Hilfe

Ondara - Folk 'n' Roll Vol. 1: Tales Of Isolation

Cover von Folk 'n' Roll Vol. 1: Tales Of Isolation
Folk 'n' Roll Vol. 1: Tales Of Isolation

Label Verve
Erstveröffentlichung 06.11.2020
Format 2-LP
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 15,50 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)
LP 1<
>1. Pulled Out Of The Market<
>2. Mr. Landlord<
>3. Lockdown On Date Night Tuesday (Edited Version)<
>4. From Six Feet Away<
>5. Isolation Anonymous<
>6. Shower Song<
>7. Pyramid Justice<
>8. Isolation Boredom Syndrome (IBS)<
>9. Isolation Depression Syndrome (IDS)<
>LP 2<
>1. Isolation Blues (Blame It On The Pathogen)<
>2. Ballad Of Nana Doline