Joe Volk: Happenings And Killings - Hilfe

Joe Volk - Happenings And Killings

Cover von Happenings And Killings
Joe Volk
Happenings And Killings

Label Glitterhouse Records
Erstveröffentlichung 19.02.2016
Format CD
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 6,75 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Der aus Bristol stammende und zurzeit in Bern in der Schweiz lebende Solokünstler Joe Volk war einer der ersten Musiker, der bei Invada Records (u. a. Sleaford Mods, Beak>), dem Label von Geoff Barrow (Portishead), unter Vertrag genommen wurde. Einem größeren Publikum bekannt wurde er jedoch hauptsächlich als Sänger, Gitarrist und (Co)-Songschreiber von Crippled Black Phoenix, wo er neben Justin Greaves zwischen 2006 und 2013 deren einziges permanentes Mitglied war. Daneben trat Joe Volk immer wieder als Songwriter für Soundtracks, Kurzfilme und Dokumentationen in Erscheinung. Unter anderem war er auch maßgeblich am Soundtrack der Oscar-nominierten Dokumenation "Exit Through The Gift Shop" über den britischen Street-Art Künstler Banksy beteiligt.Im Februar 2016 erscheint jetzt mit Happenings and Killings' Volk's erstes Solo Album seit seinem Abschied von Crippled Black Phoenix. Für 'Happenings and Killings' arbeitete Volk eng mit den Emmy-nominierten Songwritern und Produzenten Ben Salisbury und Geoff Barrow (Portishead) zusammen. Gemischt wurde das neue Album von Volk selbst in Zusammenarbeit mit Jim Barr (Portishead, Get The Blessing) und dem Musiker und Künstler Leafcutter John. Außerdem finden sich auf 'Happenings and Killings' Gastmusiker wie Billy Fuller (Robert Plant, BEAK>), Adrian Utley (Portishead), Mark Ophidian (US, Animals With Machinery), Guy Metcalfe (Thought Forms) und Luke Harney (Typesun) wieder. Die Bandbreite des Albums reicht dabei von akustischen Songs, die von analogen elektronischen Elementen unterstützt werden, bis zu Stücken, die von Volks typischen Gesangsharmonien und der ausgeklügelten Gitarrenarbeit geprägt sind.'Happenings and Killings' ist ein Album, das vielseitiger nicht seien könnte. Geprägt von unterschiedlichen Sounds und diversen Genres, wirkt es trotz seiner weit gefächerten Einflüsse wie aus einem Guss. Der rote Faden ist dabei klar zu erkennen: Joe Volk's Stimme und sein prägnantes Gitarrenspiel, abgerundet durch die musikalischen Beiträge der ausgewählten Gastmusiker.


Joe Volk is a solo artist from Bristol, England now based in Bern, Switzerland. He was one of the first musicians signed to Invada records, headed by Portishead's Geoff Barrow. Joe Volk got widely known for being the original singer and lyricist in Crippled Black Phoenix, and was signed to Domino Publishing with Justin Greaves as sole songwriters of the band. After six studio albums, one live album and several EP's, Volk left the group in 2013 to focus his energy on his solo material. Volk is also a composer, having written scores for independent European and British short films. He has had his material used by the BBC, HBO and had commissions from National Geographic. Volk contributed music to the Academy Award nominated documentary on Bristol street artist Banksy, entitled "Exit Through The Gift Shop". In February 2016 Volk's new solo LP 'Happenings and Killings' will be released on Glitterhouse Records. Before christmas this year, an exclusive video by award winning visual artist Craig Murray (Mogwai, Converge) will be released for the first single “Soliloquy”. Volk will be touring the UK and Europe with a new live band in the spring of 2016. On the new album, Volk worked closely with the Emmy nominated composer Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow (the songwriting partnership behind the soundtrack to Alex Garland's 2015 film 'Ex Machina'), with both being credited as additional producers along with Volk. The album was mixed by Joe Volk and Jim Barr (Portishead / Get The Blessing), as well as the musician and artist Leafcutter John. The album features the three producers, along with Jim Barr, Billy Fuller (Robert Plant, BEAK>), Adrian Utley (Portishead), Mark Ophidian (US / Animals With Machinery), Guy Metcalfe (Thought Forms), Leafcutter John, Luke Harney (Typesun) and a collection of other musicians, all active in the Bristol music scene. The spectrum of the album is broad, ranging from low-fi acoustic pieces featuring subtle analogue electronics from Ophidian and instrumentation from Salisbury, to more realised tracks, layered with Volks harmonies and intricate guitar work with backing from Fuller and Barrow, who constitute the rhythm section of the band Beak. There is “Yellow Sneak”, a track featuring a full orchestral score by Ben Salisbury, played by the Bristol Ensemble Orchestra, with a haunting accompaniment by Volk on acoustic guitar and voice, and then, again in contrast, there are tracks like “Soliloquy” or “Is Pyramid” for example, with programmed drums, bass, warm analogue synths, electric guitars, samples and electronics, with Volk pushing his voice to new extremes for his solo work. This is an album with a broad scope of sounds, styles and influences, yet it manages to translate into a cohesive body of work. The common thread running throughout is the instantly recognizable guitar playing and voice of Volk, which is uniquely complemented by the different musicianship that is bought to each track from the wide array of artists from different genres that he worked with.

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