Middle Brother: Middle Brother - Hilfe

Middle Brother - Middle Brother

Cover von Middle Brother
Middle Brother
Middle Brother

Label Partisan Records
Erstveröffentlichung 01.03.2011
Format CD
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 7,00 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Middle Brother sind John J. McCauley III von Deer Tick, Taylor Goldsmith von Dawes und Matt Vasquez von Delta Spirit. 


Three songwriters with an amazing sense of purpose, balancing themes of their own playful self-indulgence with humbler notes of heartbreak and hope. Alt-country folk mixed with soulful rock'n' roll.

1. Daydreaming<
>2. Blue Eyes<
>3. Thanks for Nothing<
>4. Middle Brother<
>5. Theater<
>6. Portland<
>7. Wilderness<
>8. Me Me Me<
>9. Someday<
>10. Blood and Guts<
>11. Mom and Dad<
>12. Million Dollar Bill