Daniel Romano: Too Hot To Sleep - Hilfe

Daniel Romano - Too Hot To Sleep

Cover von Too Hot To Sleep
Daniel Romano
Too Hot To Sleep

Label You've Changed Records
Erstveröffentlichung 01.03.2024
Format CD
Lieferzeit 2 – 3 Wochen
Preis 15,95 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Daniel Romano returns with his first new music since the release of the massive, singular, La Luna in those long ago days of autumn 2022 (an impossibly long time in this famously prolific artist’s career) - Too Hot To Sleep is simultaneously a transcendent document of the spirit, and a swaggering, street level blast of power-pop and Stone’s derived rock ‘n’ roll; a surprisingly direct shout down of the corrupt politicians and techno fascists that police our bodies, pollute our world, assault our connections; a reason and occasion to dance, to sweat together at one of The Outfit’s legendary live shows wherein everything comes faster than the next, no breaks, no outside, there is only now, there is only all of us here together, alive. A public offering of each to each.

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Manufacturer information
You've Changed Records
Toronto, ON

1. You Can Steal My Kiss<
>2. Where's Paradise<
>3. State of Nature<
>4. All of Thee Above<
>5. That's Too Rich<
>6. Chatter<
>7. Field of Ruins<
>8. You Saw Me In Sunshine<
>9. Too Hot To Sleep<
>10. Generation End
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