Courtney Barnett: Things Take Time (Cassette) - Hilfe

Courtney Barnett - Things Take Time (Cassette)

Cover von Things Take Time (Cassette)
Courtney Barnett
Things Take Time (Cassette)

Label Marathon Artists
Erstveröffentlichung 12.11.2021
Format MC
Lieferzeit 1 – 3 Werktage
Preis 9,95 € (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

The album is a finely woven collage of snapshots recorded at a time of creative renewal and deeper understanding. Things Take Time, Take Time was written over two years and recorded towards the end of 2020 and early 2021 in Sydney, Northern NSW and Melbourne with musical kindred-spirit producer/drummer Stella Mozgawa (Warpaint, Cate le Bon, Kurt Vile). Take a listen to Courtney at her most creative and adventurous an exquisite look at Courtney's private world, and consequently her most beautiful and intimate record to date, with songs dealing unabashedly with love, patience, healing and self-discovery. 

1 Rae Street 4:31<
>2 Sunfair Sundown 2:45<
>3 Here's The Thing 4:28<
>4 Before You Gotta Go 3:46<
>5 Turning Green 4:19<
>6 Take It Day By Day 1:51<
>7 If I Don't Hear From You Tonight 3:38<
>8 Write A List Of Things To Look Forward To 2:48<
>9 Splendour 2:15<
>10 Oh The Night 3:44
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